Previous Engagements
November 15
- 16
Teaching at Western Theological Seminary, Holland, MI (cancelled because of pandemic)
October 15
- 29
Teaching at the Pontifical College for North America, Vatican City, Rome (postponed indefinitely because of pandemic)
June 4
- 5
The Brady Theology & Mission Lectures, Northern Baptist Theological Seminary in Chicago – POSTPONED
February 1
In England for four weeks, February 7-March 3. Lecturing at St Mellitus College, London Feb. 10-12; visiting and preaching at Westcott College, Cambridge, Feb. 13-14; preaching at Oriel and Wycliffe Colleges and visiting Oxford, Feb. 15-19; visiting and preaching at Exeter Cathedral Feb 23; visiting London Feb. 24-March 3.
November 23
Presentation to Stanwich Church, Greenwich, CT
November 11
- 13
Leading Clergy Retreat, Diocese of New Jersey
September 16
- 18
Delivering Parchman Lectures at Truett Seminary, Baylor University
September 8
Preaching at 4 PM Evensong, St Thomas, Fifth Avenue (The Patronal Feast of St Thomas, Apostle)
May 16
Delivering Commencement Address at Virginia Theological Seminary
April 29
- May 1
Leading Clergy Conference for the Diocese of Pennsylvania, in Cape May, NJ
April 4
- 5
Plenary speaker, Wheaton College Theology Conference
March 25
- 27
Speaking at Duke Divinity School
February 15
- 17
Speaking and preaching in Wisconsin:
1) Upper House at the University of Wisconsin
2) Nashotah House (a seminary of the Episcopal Church)
3) Geneva Campus Church at the University of Wisconsin
December 2
Preaching on Advent I, the Patronal Feast of the Church of the Advent, Boston
November 27
Fleming’s new book, Advent: the Once and Future Coming of Jesus Christ, has been a runaway best-seller
November 13
- 18
Preaching and teaching at Trinity Cathedral, Columbia, South Carolina
October 22
- 24
Speaking at Clergy Conference, Diocese of Texas
September 21
- 23
Leading clergy day and preaching at Friendship United Methodist Church in Cincinnati
June 17
- 20
Keynote speaker at the Barth Pastor’s conference, Princeton
May 8
- 9
Preaching conference in Calgary, Alberta (Canada)
April 26
- 28
Mockingbird Conference, New York City
April 12
- 14
Speaking at the Festival of Faith and Writing at Calvin College
March 30
Preaching the Good Friday Three Hours at Saint Thomas Church, Fifth Avenue, NYC
March 25
- 28
Preaching at Church of the Advent, Birmingham
February 25
- 26
Teaching and preaching at First Presbyterian, Shreveport, Louisiana
December 10
Speaking at Calvary-St George’s Episcopal Church, New York City, 12:30-1:30 pm. Anderson Hall, 61 Gramercy Park North (21st and Park Avenue South).
December 3
Speaking at Calvary-St George’s Episcopal Church, New York City, 12:30-1:30 pm. Anderson Hall, 61 Gramercy Park North (21st and Park Avenue South).
December 2
Co-leading Advent clergy study day with Prof. Joseph Mangina of Wycliffe, Toronto, for the Diocese of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia.
November 28
- 30
Speaking at Trinity School for Ministry, Ambridge, PA
November 17
- 19
Attending SBL-AAR conference in Boston
November 7
- 10
Leading clergy retreat for the Diocese of Albany
October 22
Preacher for the Lutheran-Catholic Prayer Service for Unity and Commemoration of the 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, Savannah, Georgia
October 3
Speaking at “Theology on Tap,” Church of the Advent, Boston
September 11
- 26
Visiting London, Canterbury, and Winchester with family for 80th birthday celebration.
April 27
- 28
Speaking at the Mockingbird Conference, New York City
April 8
Leading a Lenten day of teaching on the Crucifixion: Stanwich Congregational Church, Greenwich, CT
March 29
Preaching for Lenten series, Trinity Cathedral, Columbia SC
March 25
Teaching and Preaching for the Diocese of Pennsylvania at the Church of the Good Samaritan, Paoli
March 13
Fleming is a regular now on the very popular “Crackers and Grape Juice” podcast. Look for “Fridays with Fleming”
March 8
Presenting the Spring Theology Lecture at St. Thomas Fifth Avenue, 6:30 PM.
March 5
Preaching at Knox Presbyterian Church, Toronto, Ontario
February 27
Leading annual Preaching Day, Wycliffe College, Toronto
February 20
A very knowledgeable recommendation of The Crucifixion, from London
December 21
Preaching for the institution of the Rev. Dane Boston as rector of Christ Church, Cooperstown, NY
December 16
Fleming’s book The Crucifixion has been named the Book of the Year (2017) by Christianity Today
November 18
- 20
Leading Parish Weekend, Trinity Presbyterian Church, Cherry Hill, NJ
October 21
- 23
Keynoting at Trinity School for Ministry conference in Baltimore, Residence Inn, Baltimore Downtown/Inner Harbor.
October 2
Presenting The Crucifixion at Calvary-St George, NYC
September 27
- 29
Leading workshop at Reformed Communion Conference, Christ Community Church, Philadelphia.
September 25
Presenting The Crucifixion at Calvary-St George, NYC
September 17
- 18
Preaching and lecturing at Berry College, Rome, Georgia
May 27
The Crucifixion by Fleming Rutledge crosses the pond
May 13
The Crucifixion wins Best Reference Book award
May 10
The Episcopal New Yorker interviews Fleming Rutledge about The Crucifixion
April 15
- 29
Study/writing leave, Cape Cod, MA
April 11
- 13
Speaking at clergy conference, Episcopal Diocese of Dallas
March 13
Presenting The Crucifixion, 10:10 AM, Christ Church, Greenwich, CT
March 9
Preaching at Trinity Cathedral, Columbia, SC
March 6
- 7
Preaching at Sunday and Monday services at Trinity Episcopal Church, Columbus, GA
February 29
The Crucifixion was reviewed on the Reformed-ish blog by Derek Rishmawy, who calls it a “beautiful piece of theology”, ideal for pastor-theologians.
February 28
Commonweal, the highly respected Roman Catholic magazine, has given Fleming’s The Crucifixion a prominent, positive review:
February 27
The Christian Century featured a very positive review of The Crucifixion:
December 15
Fleming presents her new book at the Ecumenical Institute in Baltimore:
December 9
Presenting The Crucifixion: Understanding the Death of Jesus Christ with responses by Dr. Michael J. Gorman and Rev. Dr. Amy Richter at St. Mary’s Seminary & University, Baltimore
December 8
Preaching at the ordination of Jason Poling at the Cathedral of the Incarnation, Baltimore
December 1
Fleming’s new book is published and available
November 4
Preaching at Wycliffe College, University of Toronto
November 1
- 3
Preaching and delivering keynote address, Toronto Festival of Preaching, Yorkminster Park Church, Toronto, Ontario
September 30
Keynote Speaker at the annual Reformed Communion Conference. Theme, “Cultivating Preachers.” Christ Community Church, Philadelphia.
June 24
- 26
Teaching at the Barth Pastors’ Conference, Princeton Theological Seminary
June 21
- 23
Preaching and lecturing at the Karl Barth 2015 Conference, Princeton Theological Seminary
May 1
- 3
Preaching and teaching at the Church of the Holy Spirit, Orleans, Massachusetts.
March 10
- 16
Preaching and teaching at Trinity Cathedral, Columbia, SC
March 8
- 9
Preaching and teaching at Trinity Church, Columbus, GA
February 19
- 22
Preaching and teaching at St. Margaret’s Anglican Parish in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
December 11
Speaking at “Faith on Fire” at Christ Church, Greenwich CT
December 1
- 3
Attending consultation at Virginia Theological Seminary
November 10
- 17
In residence, preaching and teaching, Trinity Cathedral, Columbia, SC
April 28
- May 2
Preaching and speaking at the Northwest Festival of Preaching in Seattle
April 22
- 23
Preaching and teaching at Boston University School of Theology
March 30
Preaching at Sunday morning worship: Trinity Cathedral, Columbia, South Carolina
March 26
Preaching for the Wednesday Lenten Series at Trinity Cathedral, Columbia, South Carolina
March 25
Teaching at Duke Divinity School
September 15
Preaching at the Duke University Chapel
August 4
Preaching at Montreat Conference Center, Montreat, NC
April 8
- 23
Away and incommunicado on writing leave
March 13
Preaching for Lenten series at Trinity Cathedral, Columbia, SC
March 6
- 7
Preaching and meeting with students at Duke Divinity School
February 16
- 17
Preaching and teaching at First Presbyterian, Ambler, PA
October 12
- 14
Preaching and speaking at St. John’s Episcopal Church, Columbia SC
October 7
- 8
Lecturing, preaching, and teaching at Christ Church, Roanoke, VA
September 25
Meeting with faculty and students to discuss my Old Testament book, And The Lord Spoke to Abraham, Virginia Theological Seminary, Alexandria, VA
May 13
Teaching on Tolkien at Holy Spirit Church, Orleans, Mass.
April 15
Preaching at Hilltop Presbyterian Church, Mendham, NJ
April 8
Preaching at Holy Spirit Church, Orleans, Mass.
March 18
Teaching and preaching at Christ Church, Greenwich, CT
March 7
- 9
Lecturing on The Lord of the Rings at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge
March 4
Teaching at Christ Church, Greenwich, CT
January 22
Sunday, January 22: Preaching at St. John’s, Salisbury, CT
November 4
- 6
Parish Weekend, St. Paul’s, Akron, Ohio
October 23
Preaching at Bach Vespers, Holy Trinity Church, NYC
October 5
Preaching Day at Wycliffe College, Toronto
June 14
- 16
Speaking at the Pro Ecclesia annual conference for clergy and laity, Loyola University, Baltimore, Maryland.
April 22
Preaching the Good Friday Service at Christ Church, Greenwich, CT
March 18
- 20
Visiting preacher, St. George’s in Nashville
December 12
Preaching at Bach Vespers, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, NYC
November 12
- 14
Preaching and teaching at the Episcopal Church of the Holy Spirit, Orleans, Mass.
October 30
Preaching at Memorial Service for Frank C. Smith
March 26
- April 18
Visiting scholar at the American Academy in Rome
November 22
Preaching at Christ Church, Westerly, Rhode Island
October 25
- 28
Preaching and lecturing at Hope College, Holland, Michigan
October 10
- 12
Teaching at Union Theological Seminary (Presbyterian), Charlotte Campus
May 5
- 8
Plenary speaker, Regent College Pastors’ Conference, Vancouver, BC
March 24
- 27
Lenten preacher, St. Paul’s Church in Richmond, VA
March 11
Lenten preaching at Christ Church, Charlotte
February 1
Preaching at Bach Vespers in NYC
September 1
- December 1
Teaching homiletics (preaching) at Wycliffe in Toronto
March 9
Preaching during the Celebration of American Preaching at Washington National Cathedral (11:15 AM)
February 24
- 28
Delivering Beeson Lectures at Asbury Seminary, Lexington, Kentucky
February 5
Finch-Hunt lecturer in preaching for the North Carolina United Methodist clergy
September 16
Preaching at Mayfield-Salisbury Church (Church of Scotland), Edinburgh
April 13
- 23
In New Orleans preaching and teaching at Trinity Church
February 25
- 28
Leading the Bowen Conference, Kanuga Conference Center, Hendersonville, NC
February 6
Addressing Midwinter Covenant Conference, Evangelical Covenant Church, Denver
November 10
- 12
Distinguished Preacher Series, Lenape Valley Presbyterian Church, New Britain, PA
October 23
- 25
Leading Fall Clergy Conference, Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida, Orlando
October 6
- 8
Preaching mission, Bayside Presbyterian, Virginia Beach, Virginia
September 26
- 27
Preaching at conclave of Scottish and American pastors, Myers Park Presbyterian, Charlotte, NC
September 24
- 25
Royster Lectures, First Presbyterian, Henderson, NC
June 7
- 13
Preaching at All Saints, Linville NC on June 11 and spending the week there.
April 9
- 14
Holy Week preaching at St. Michael and St. George, St. Louis
March 6
- 11
Leading at the College of Preachers, Washington, DC
December 11
Preaching at St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church, Bedford, NY
November 3
Preaching at the institution of Anne Ryder as rector, Christ Church, Sheffield, Mass.
September 11
Preaching at Christ Church, Sheffield, Mass.
August 14
Preaching at the Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church, New York City
June 26
- 30
Teaching at the Engle Institute for Preaching, Princeton Seminary
June 5
Preach at Trinity, Copley Square, Boston
May 25
Preaching at the Institution of Douglas Holmes as new rector, Grace Church, Camden, South Carolina
May 7
Preaching at Christ United Methodist Church, Park Avenue, New York City
May 1
Preaching at Mayfield-Salisbury Church (Church of Scotland) in Edinburgh
April 27
- May 5
Visiting in Edinburgh, Scotland
April 24
Preach in Durham Cathedral (England)
April 20
- 27
Teaching at St. John’s College, University of Durham, England
March 24
- 25
(Maundy Thursday, Good Friday) Preaching at St. Francis Church, Potomac, Maryland
March 20
(Palm Sunday) Preaching in Whitemarsh, Pennsylvania
March 13
Speaking at First Presbyterian Church (Greenwich)
March 9
Preaching at St. Martin’s, Houston, Texas
March 6
- 7
Attending Evangelicals for Social Action conference, Washington DC
March 6
- 10
Leader, College of Preachers (Washington National Cathedral)
March 4
- 5
Leading First Presbyterian (Greenwich) women’s retreat
February 21
- 26
Preaching/Teaching at King’s College, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
February 12
- 17
Preaching/Teaching at Christ Church, Greenville, South Carolina
February 9
(Ash Wednesday): Speaking at Episcopal High School, Alexandria
January 24
- 30
Lecturing/Preaching at Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan
January 2
Preach at St. Matthew’s, Bedford, New York